About the article
EVSTIFEEVA Elena Aleksandrovna – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology and Philosophy, SPIN-code: 8787-2928; e-mail: pif199779@mail.ru KOMAROV Georgy Vladimirovich – Postgraduate Student of the Department of Psychology and Philosophy, Tver. SPIN-code: 5681-6150; e-mail: pif1997@mail.ru
The article expresses the idea that the new digital order, which has accelerated into a pandemic, actualizes the theme of the fate of man and mankind. Rational reasons for concern about the scale of digitalization of human existence are given. The question is raised about the surmountability of digital life orientation, about the authorship of a person to accept fate as a new digital order. The problem of choosing oneself as a new digital order appears as themes of fate.
anthropological crisis, fate, new digital order, pandemic.