About the article
E.A. Evstifeeva, E.Yu. Maykova
The paper presents thoughts and conclusions about philosophical prerequisites for the formation of subjectivity of student youth. The answer to the question of solving the problem of subjectlessness of student youth is given. It concerns the identification of those philosophical and psychological resources that help the formation and development of human subjectivity. The substantiation of subjectivity through such nuclear components as spirituality, meaning, values, meaningfulness of life is indicated. The appeal to the heritage of Russian philosophers (in particular, N.A. Berdyaev) gives an opportunity to explain the figure of the subject and subjectivity not as an epistemological and transcendental subject in the paradigm of German classical philosophy, but as a spiritual activity of a person. Arguments of modern Russian philosophical anthropology (F.I. Girenok) about overcoming the subject-object duality of European rationality in the prism of values and meanings in the hallucenosis of Russian consciousness are presented. The significance of subjectivity as an interdisciplinary and psychological phenomena is revealed. The way of overcoming subjectlessness in student youth through exposure to the spiritual heritage of Russian philosophy with its meaning-life projection, as well as through the development of such attributes of subjectivity as conceptual and critical thinking, communicative abilities for openness to dialog and understanding of the other is proposed
student youth, Russian philosophy, subjectivity philosophy, meaning, spirituality, psychology of subjectivity