About the article
N.Yu. Vlasenko
Diagnostics of constructive and maladaptive patterns of behavior in stress among students of Tver universities studying at the 1st and 2nd courses was carried out. It is noted that in general the results are satisfactory: 63 % of respondents choose prosocial active coping-strategies, but 37 % of students prefer asocial (both active and passive) patterns, up to aggressive actions. Psychodiagnostics of personality and individual-psychological features of individuals of both groups was carried out. It was found that respondents with constructive type of stress behavior are more active, sociable, practical, self-critical, possess high self-control and responsibility, and persons with prevalence of destructive patterns of stress behavior, on the contrary, are more withdrawn, sensitive, emotionally labile, insufficiently self-critical. It was found that the respondents of the first group have a low level of trustworthiness with a high level of sociability, and the respondents of the second group have the opposite trend. It is concluded that the study of dominant personality traits that form the portrait of different types of stress-overcoming behavior will allow building mathematical models with a hierarchy of leading factors-markers within the framework of regression and factor analysis.
constructive or destructive patterns, coping strategies, stress-overcoming behavior, student youth.