About the article
S.I. Filippchenkova
The article analyzes the problem of psychological adaptation of the student body to the conditions of the educational environment at the initial stage of education. Based on theoretical analysis, a number of specific parameters characterizing the success or negative course of the phenomenon we are considering are provided. Objective and subjective determinants affecting the progress of this process are indicated. The content of the most famous theories, concepts of foreign and domestic scientists on the declared problems is described. Based on the information received, a program of the experimental part of the work is being developed with an indication of the specifics of the sample (course, age, gender). The selection of psychodiagnostic tools, mathematical and statistical methods is carried out and the obtained patterns are interpreted. The final part indicates the importance of controlling the psycho-social development of future specialists as the basis for psychological health and social activity.
adaptation, adaptation resource, educational environment, psychological criterion, subjective well-being.