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DOI: 10.46573/2409-1391-2025-1-51-56

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A.V. Boykova, M.V. Gamov


The article notes that the modern world landscape is undergoing great changes. Geopolitical tension is growing, rivalry between countries is becoming more active. In the context of globalization of the world economy, the consequences of these processes are not limited to the territory of the state in which they took place, but spread along the chain. This state of affairs is dictated by the political ambitions of one of the parties, as well as the struggle for economic resources. Military conflicts are no exception. They lead to human losses and destruction, to the rupture of trade relations and ties, damage the financial and credit system of the state. An attempt has been made to assess the economic consequences of military conflicts both in the participating countries and those close to them in geographical and economic terms. In particular, theoretical approaches to assessing the presence or absence of the impact of hostilities on the economy are highlighted, and the impact of state expenditures on ensuring its defense capability and other macroeconomic indicators is analyzed.


defense, budget, spending, military conflict, inflation, economic growth.